Leah’s fundamental values statement:
Leah Juliett’s extensive advocacy experience focuses on LGBTQ+ representation, youth political engagement, and combatting online abuse to promote digital dignity. Leah firmly believes in deconstructing oppressive systems by decriminalizing consensual sex work and building a world without mass incarceration. To reach this goal, Leah believes in prioritizing and centering the lived experiences and humanity of victims and survivors of violence from marginalized backgrounds. For Leah, this means unlearning cultural systems of patriarchy, sexual shame, racism, and otherizing that lead to hate-motivated, sexual, and gender-based violence. As a victim and survivor of sexual assault, public outing, CSAM, and image-based sexual abuse, Leah’s values are rooted in ongoing political education and lifelong learning from community members and fellow lived-experience experts.
Leah is proudly progressive and believes in socioeconomic empowerment for all, fair and equitable workplaces, intersectional healthcare equity, climate justice, public housing and homelessness reform, trans justice, DEI-focused school public school systems, tuition-free college, actionable gun violence prevention measures, protection for DACA recipients, reformed asylum procedures for transgender refugees, a deconstruction of the criminal justice system, stigma-free mental healthcare, sex-positive culture, the legalization of marijuana, and the excarceration of incarcerated Americans.
Leah is passionate about holding all technology platforms civically liable and accountable for ending abusive user practices.
Through writing, public speaking, community organizing, and grassroots activism, Leah works to combat inequity locally and internationally.
LGBTQIA+ Equity and Leveraging Political Engagement
Leah has worked extensively with national and international LGBTQ+ equity and policy organizations, including GLAAD, OutRight Action International, The United Nations Free & Equal Campaign, The New York City Pride Organization, The Boston Pride Organization, The Visible Me Campaign, The Ally Coalition, The Connecticut Department of Justice, The Human Rights Campaign, Equality Connecticut, True Colors, and other organizations defending 2SLGBTQIA+ equity.
Combating Tech-Based Violence and Image-Based Sexual Abuse
In 2016, Leah founded March Against Revenge Porn, the first grassroots campaign against revenge porn led by a queer and nonbinary young person. In April 2017, Leah led the first revenge porn march across the Brooklyn Bridge. Since then, Leah has led marches in Pittsburgh, Boston, and Orlando.
Leah’s work has been amplified worldwide, including on national and international television and media. Leah has spoken at The White House and before Congress about their lived experiences and policy recommendations to support survivors. Leah is currently a member of the Reclaim Coalition and The Heat Initiative.
Moving the Needle and Championing the Narrative
Leah has been featured delivering commentary on politics, intersectionality, revenge porn and LGBTQ+ equity on national and international media, including BuzzFeed, TED, CNN, The New Day Show, BBC, MTV, NBC, FOX, Peacock, Teen Vogue, The Daily Mail, Seventeen Magazine, Glamour, Women's Health Magazine, Refinery 29, La Repubblica Italy, Sky News UK, Australian News Network, and Canadian Television Network. Leah’s voice has shifted the paradigm around inclusion, belonging, and online safety.